Home Again

Just spent a very entertaining week in Germany.  I got to attend COMSOC 2010 which was a great experience!  I came away with some new ideas for work and some (possibly) new co-authors.  I don’t have any really good pictures from the trip but I’ll get something up here eventually.

I just got done migrating the lab’s website over to our new home at http://www.csr.uky.edu/twiki/bin/view/AILab .  Its looking good but it was a struggle to get Twiki to do what I wanted at some points.  The WYSIWYG thats built into the current Twiki keeps not parsing its own markup correctly.  It makes some of the pages very hard to update.

I want to keep a more current record on this blog of what I am working on so here goes.  After the website update I am preparing a submission for AAMAS.  Its going to be based around our probabilistic tournament results which I need to clean up and add a more compelling story.  I am also working with Tom (an undergrad) on generating natural language interfaces for MDPs.  This is a lot of writing on my part as Tom is doing most of the coding right now.  We came up with some good algorithms but we need a pretty good amount of software to test them.  For some reason he got the coding and I got the writing…. yeah!  I am also in the planning stages of a nice empirical paper for some stuff I saw at COMSOC.

Its a good time; just lots of work!